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进入高中,词汇,语法的基础打好了吗?有了这些基础才可以做大量的阅读! 高中课本的设置几乎全是阅读,课外词汇多,句子长,涉及的语法多!为了方便大家的学习,高中类的书我们一般都配有中文,有的课本是每单元有几课有中文。这主要是为这个阶段的学生考虑的。不能全没有中文,让学生一头雾水的学习,也不能全有中文,让学生依赖中文! 高中的课文如此之长当然不要求背诵,但是你得形成良好的语感,这样在考试的时候做 “完形填空”,“阅读理解”,“改错”就会不费吹灰之力!“全文学习”,“全文跟读”让您一遍一遍地听,一遍一遍地读,想听几遍就听几遍,操作起来方便快捷! 欢迎大家使用我们的...
Unit 1 Art Warming up & Reading(免费使用)
Unit 1 Art Learning about Language
Unit 1 Art Using Language
Unit 1 Art Summing Up
Unit 2 Poems Warming up & Reading
Unit 2 Poems Learning about Language
Unit 2 Poems Using Language
Unit 2 Poems Summing Up
Unit 3 A healthy life Warming up & Reading
Unit 3 A healthy life Learning about Language
Unit 3 A healthy life Using Language
Unit 3 A healthy life Summing Up
Unit 4 Global warming Warming up & Reading
Unit 4 Global warming Learning about Language
Unit 4 Global warming Using Language
Unit 4 Global warming Summing Up
Unit 5 The power of nature Warming up & Reading
Unit 5 The power of nature Learning about Language
Unit 5 The power of nature Using Language
Unit 5 The power of nature Summing Up
Workbook Unit 1 Art Listening & Talking
Workbook Unit 1 Art Using words and expressions & Using structures
Workbook Unit 1 Art Listening task
Workbook Unit 1 Art Reading task
Workbook Unit 1 Art Speaking task
Workbook Unit 1 Art Writing task
Workbook Unit 1 Art Project
Workbook Unit 2 Poems Listening & Talking
Workbook Unit 2 Poems Using words and expressions & Using structures
Workbook Unit 2 Poems Reading task
Workbook Unit 2 Poems Listening task
Workbook Unit 2 Poems Speaking task
Workbook Unit 2 Poems Writing task
Workbook Unit 2 Poems Project
Workbook Unit 3 A healthy life Listening & Talking
Workbook Unit 3 A healthy life Using words and expressions & Using structures
Workbook Unit 3 A healthy life Listening task
Workbook Unit 3 A healthy life Speaking task
Workbook Unit 3 A healthy life Reading task
Workbook Unit 3 A healthy life Writing task
Workbook Unit 3 A healthy life Project
Workbook Unit 4 Global warming Listening & Talking
Workbook Unit 4 Making the news Using words and expressions & Using structures
Workbook Unit 4 Global warming Listening task
Workbook Unit 4 Global warming Speaking task
Workbook Unit 4 Global warming Reading task
Workbook Unit 4 Global warming Writing task
Workbook Unit 4 Global warming Project
Workbook Unit 5 The power of nature Listening & Talking
Workbook Unit 5 The power of nature Using words and expressions & Using structures
Workbook Unit 5 The power of nature Reading task
Workbook Unit 5 The power of nature Listening task
Workbook Unit 5 The power of nature Speaking task
Workbook Unit 5 The power of nature Writing task
Workbook Unit 5 The power of nature Project
Unit 1 Word List
Unit 2 Word List
Unit 3 Word List
Unit 4 Word List
Unit 5 Word List